Dentures or dental implants for replacing missing teeth with our general dentist

Do you have loose or wobbly teeth? Are you worried that your teeth will fall out soon? Maybe you have had to undergo a tooth extraction? You need to speak to our general dentist Dubbo and find out about replacing missing teeth. Over the last few decades, advances in dental technology means that tooth replacement has become more efficient and aesthetically pleasing than ever before. Our general dentist Dubbo can replace your teeth, restoring the appearance of your smile as well as the function of your mouth at the same time in a comprehensive way.


Tooth loss can occur in patients of all ages. However, it is important to note that tooth loss is not a natural part of the ageing process. Rather, with good dental hygiene, a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet, you can maintain your teeth for the whole of your life. Unfortunately some medical conditions can have a detrimental impact on your dental health and cause early tooth loss. If you have been in an accident or suffered an injury then this is another unavoidable cause of missing teeth.

If you have lost a tooth or need to undergo a tooth extraction then speak to our general dentist Dubbo to find out which is the best tooth replacement option for you. You can have removable tooth replacement or fixed tooth replacement depending on what you would prefer. For younger patients our dentist will recommend permanent fixed tooth replacement with dental implants, whilst elderly patients who do not want a long treatment process may prefer removable teeth options such as a pair of dentures. Our dentist will help you choose the right option for you.

Removable dentures

Removable dentures are what are commonly known as false teeth.

You can have a partial set of removable dentures or a full set of removable dentures depending on how many teeth you are missing. Partial dentures fit onto your gum and clip onto the adjacent teeth, whereas full dentures are for those who are missing all of their teeth and sit snugly on to your gums to look like you have a full set of teeth.

Removable dentures restore the appearance of your smile and they also help you restore some of the function of your mouth, helping you to bite and chew, and speak correctly. You may not be able to enjoy all your favourite foods as you did with your original teeth, however you can still bite and chew most types of food of medium consistency. Dentures need to be taken out when you sleep at night and you need to maintain dental hygiene as you would with your natural teeth.

Dental implants

Dental implants provide a permanent, fixed solution for your missing teeth. You can have 1 implant to replace a single tooth or up to 3 adjacent teeth, or you can have 4 to 6 implants to replace a full arch of teeth. Dental implants are thought to be the next best thing to your natural teeth and if you have good bone health and gum health this is the ideal solution for you. Dental implants can take approximately 6 months so speak to our dentist at Crescent Dental Care sooner rather than later and begin the process.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.