Pit & Fissure Sealant

What are Pits & Fissures?

Pits and Fissures are grooves normally present on the chewing surface of teeth. These can some times be very deep and are extremely difficult to clean with normal brushing, making them an ideal trap for food and bacteria. An estimated, 80% of the cavities originate at a deep pit or fissure.

What are Pit & Fissure sealants and how can these be helpful?

A dental Sealant is a tooth colored plastic film which is applied to the deep grooves (Pits & Fissures) of your back (molars) teeth where tooth decay often starts. The sealant flows into the grooves and fills them, not only making a barrier against plaque and tooth decay but also making these surfaces smoother and a lot easier to clean with regular brushing.


What is the right age to get these Sealants?

We recommend fissure sealants when your child first molar teeth erupts , at the age of 6 years to 7 yrs, and hen around 13 years of age. Applying of Pits & Fissures Sealants is a Non invasive, Pain-Free procedure with no need for drilling or anesthetics .

Contact our helpful team today on (02) 58060848 to book an appointment. We can help you fix any dental issues so you can be your best. Our professional team will work out the best treatment plan for you. We have a plan for every budget