Painfree Dentistry

We understand that a visit to the dentist could sometimes be distressing and that is why we try our best that your experience with us is a pleasant one. So from the moment you call our practice, we try to make you feel at ease and our kind and caring staff members are always there to answer questions, concerns and help you out where ever possible.

Sometimes a treatment or a procedure may sound unpleasant which can cause anxiety in one’s mind, which could be a great source of stress. Mostly this stress/anxiety stems from a bad childhood experiences which is engraved in you memory or being anxious about a dental injection. It could also be due to a feeling that you may be judged by the doctor, as being the worst mouth they have seen or just the feeling of a dental chair makes you uneasy.

If you feel any of the above, the best thing that you could do is to talk to us. We will make sure that we can help you overcome this feeling of distress. You need to be with a dentist you are comfortable with. This way you can talk to us about any concerns or fearful feelings you have. A compassionate dentist can ease your worries and make you feel safe and secure throughout treatment.

You can ask us as many questions as you like. At Crescent Dental, we love explaining things and thus empowering our patient to make the right decision – With the correct knowledge you will realise that certain treatments are not as bad as they seem.

You might have heard a lot of horror stories about a dental procedure from people or may have had a bad experience yourself in the past. However keep in mind that nowadays dentistry has come a long way and modern treatments are more painless than ever before.There is a wide variety of pain control that we can offer which can include pre-operative pain medication, anxiety relief medication, painless injections, Relative analgesia and conscious sedation.

At Crescent Dental uur kind and caring staff members are always there to answer questions, concerns and help you out wherever possible. We have a very friendly and compassionate team who you can talk to and share your concerns with out the fear of being embarrassed or being judged, and rest assured, remember, we are here to help you anyway we possibly can.